Hello Everyone! My little baby girl's very 1st birthday is in 3 more days, I am very excited about it! It has so much meaning for me!

First off having her at 43, is such a gift from God, and I feel so much love from God in my life each day when she awakes next to me!! I have 4 other Children, son to turn 27 in July, another son that's 25, daughter that will be 23 in August, and a step daughter that will be 17 in the same month.
So while lying there on the deliver table, my thoughts were like can this be true or is it just a mere dream. It had been 21 1/2 years since I was laying on a deliver table. It was mind blowing to say the least, and my thoughts were,"What an awesome Creator we serve!!
Seeing how my nest was becoming empty this is like a dream Child. My children are all grown up and out of the house leading their own lives as they choose to. So now I get a chance to enjoy having a little one who values my thoughts and ideas again! It's so amazing to look at her while she naps in my arms as I write this article!!

Well I'll have to say that, I've been working on her first birthday party since we left the hospital shortly after birth. My pregnancy was such an enjoyable time, so naturally I had to get started planning her first birthday party because I just could not take being without a project that gives me something to look forward too!

Our Girls hit off great right from the start! Her daughter actually got my daughter, which was crawling at the time to really consider walking. Now, today I can hardly keep up with her.
Mrs. S. Monique not only took good notes, but she also made a custom tutu for my daughter, delivered it to the door, and made double sure that it fit properly. Additionally, she will also make a custom shirt for my baby to wear on her birthday!
The zebra balloons did it for me and I knew at that time that I would be able to look forward to having a successful and great event!
I encouraged the planner to take a before picture of the birthday girl's special and formal high chair before she took it away to be decorated with a tutu that will coordinated with the birthday girl's party attire and party theme; the Zebra Princess Ballerina Tea Party!!
It's so enjoyable to work with someone that puts their heart into making the dreams of others a reality. Oh, and let me not fell to mention that she makes the most beautiful hair bows , in which I just can not get enough of, and they can be easily found online at her Esty store Tiara Darling.
Before I go, let me add the link to check out the custom built headboard in which Daddy made for the birthday girl. You may preview it on HGTV's Rate My Space.