We have all heard the phrase Spring Cleaning but chances are that most of us know little about how it all came about. It is said that you can trace spring cleaning all the way back to the Persian New Year. This is actually the first day of spring and the Iranians would follow khooneh tekouni before the New Year started. Knooneh tekouni actually means to shake the house. This is where they would thoroughly clean the entire home and everything nit before their new year started, hence the name- spring cleaning.
In North America, spring cleaning has become a regular thing for most all families. Spring time is still the time of year that this ritual is done because March has proved to be the best month weather wise for this large cleaning project. Weather in March is not so hot that cleaning would be unbearable and you can open the windows to help ventilate when you kick up the dormant dust that has been hiding in your home. The strong winds in the spring time help to carry the dust away and the air is just right so you are not attacked by insects. The actual time of year that spring cleaning is done can vary from one country to another based on the weather that they have.
When you set out to do your spring cleaning, you should consider all the things that need to be taken care of such as putting the winter clothes and supplies away for the next year and get the house cleaned very well from being closed up from the cold winter weather. Many people like to go with a list so that they are sure to get everything done. You can go with a room by room guide that details all that needs to be done in each individual room such as the bedroom: stripping the bed and putting fresh linens on, flipping the mattress, wiping the walls down, cleaning the curtains and/or blinds, cleaning the ceiling fan and switching the blades for the warm months as well as the usually dusting and vacuuming. You will also want to wash the little things that normally just get dusted like the little knick-knacks.
There are many people that use spring cleaning for the wrong reasons. They use it as an excuse to not do things the rest of the year as they say they will get to it when they do their spring cleaning. This is not what spring cleaning is about. You should not use it as a way to avoid cleaning your house the rest of the year. There are certain things that need to be done on a regular basis so that you can maintain a clean and healthy home for you and your family. It is important to dust and vacuum regularly so that you do not have a buildup of dust mites as that can make you sick and can really be harmful to those that have allergies to dust mites.
Spring Cleaning Activities:
It is good for you to get yourself a list together when the spring season rolls around. There are plenty of websites that offer free to do lists for spring cleaning. It is best to go with a room-by-room guide so that you will be sure to get everything. The lists will help you to stay on track and keep you organized so that the spring cleaning will go much faster. You do not want this once a year task to take up too much of your time. By keeping a to-do list, you will be ahead of the cleaning when the time comes. It can be helpful to collect storage bins or containers so that you will be able to store away your winter items with ease. You will also want to stock up on the cleaning supplies so you will be ready to attack the once a year cleaning tasks with no trouble at all.
Many people also find that this is a good time to go through their clothes and get rid of the things that the kids have outgrown or things that they do not wear any longer. If it has sat in your closet for longer than 12 months and you have not wore it then you can say it is safe to donate it or sell it in a yard sale. If spring is upon you then you will want to get your list together and get ready to get your home in order.
For additional information, visit http://www.jamarhouses.com/Articles/Articles.html
Mr. Borjas started investing in Real Estate 7 years ago. This activity led to a General Contractors License and to build custom homes in NC.
Article Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Jake_Borjas
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