This includes everything from when the flowers are delivered, where we have dinner, what we wear on the date, and how we are transported for the evening. In most scenarios it can be more beneficial when we can achieved romance while simultaneously gaining something exceptional as custom drapery, that will extend well beyond the day.
This 1500 year old holiday is one that is celebrated by couples exhibiting or professing their love for one another through the expression of flowers, chocolates, and / or gifts. Heart shapes and the color red are commonly considered when making selections that can range from fruits such as cherries or strawberries to a bedroom make over utilizing silk fabric curtains along with a coordinating comforter and complimentary pillows.
While many will follow the obvious path, placing their emphasis on greeting cards, roses, chocolates, dinner, lingerie, or jewelry. Some may want to explore the road less traveled by making over the master bedroom, creating a space that will add ambiance and serve as a retreat and romantic suite for many Valentine’s Days to follow.

Take this year to avoid the temporal items such as greeting cards that are likely to end up somewhere in the bottom of a draw or waste basket along with the wither flowers. Attempt foregoing the fancy dinner and dessert that will be all but forgotten by breakfast.
Instead consider well thought out window dressings with coordinating pillows and throws that can accomplish dual purposes, creating a five star master suite that is your very own to keep and expand as often as you desire, while fulfilling your urge to expand the decor of your home.
Valentines Days going forward should be much easier to facilitate after establishing a foundation of a warm and ambient master suite with the use of custom made drapery, comforter, and pillows.