Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Possible Valentines Getaway In Austin, TX

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, so I'll be posting some ideas of possible romatic getaways.
Love is in the air!

Up first is Austin, TX

How about trip to Austin, TX and a stay in the fabulous Driskell Hotel with so much to offer including a fabulous bridal suite.  This suite is of course great for new brides, but is also perfect for brides to be and brides of many years.

                 Take a carriage ride.  Are you feeling the love yet?

                                or enjoy beautiful Lake Travis

Monday, January 24, 2011

A home with many domes near Emma Long Park

By: Nicole Villalpando

Blair and Julie Drenner's 12,000-square-foot home is a wonder of domes and arches. Taking influences from Germany, Spain, France, Morocco and Italy, the couple worked with Luxor Custom Homes, a company he is a part owner of, to design a home that while grand, works for their family of six.

Blair Drenner is a manager for IBM. Julie Drenner is an attorney who is a lobbyist with the Heartland Institute. Building custom homes is a hobby for them. This is the second one they've completed for their family, but they've also worked on homes for other people, Julie Drenner says.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Love - War - Peace

It's a New Year and the holidays are over.  Now looking forward we make self evaluations of the accomplishments and short comings of the previous year.  Prepare for spring cleaning and set our long and short term goals.  She's thinking about sweet Valentines in February while he's think about who will be in the Super Bowl.  The dichotomy of preparing for these hugely popular events suggest


Interesting enough she could use some new delicious and elegant window coverings.  Not just any curtains but we are talking about beautiful custom drapery with coordinating pillows and throws.  Now of course he's entertaining the latest in flat screen TV technology.  Three dimensional, 1280p, 240 MHz, high resolution, with the latest in 7.1 surround sound Dolby digital processing.

This could shape up to be an awkward turn of the new year deciding who will prevail, because each feels that they have deferred indulgence for the other.  The room may remain cold, bare and barren or extremely rigid and masculine if not just bright and feminine.

Or is there such a thing as the WIN WIN, a peaceful resolve allowing for the best of both worlds.  A sort of design for the sexes.  A room that they both can be comfortable in and all their visitors can enjoy.